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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Thinspiration (Funny Edition)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Thinspiration Quote of the Day

  • “Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven’t half the strength you think they have.” ~Norman Vincent Peale
  • Monday, May 14, 2012

    Thinspiration in Pictures (Fashion edition)

    For my fashion savvy diva's

    Jello Diet?

    (to see how to make these scroll to bottom)

    I've been searching the endless abyss that is the internet on ways to lose weight quickly and came across this plan. Basically you're supposed to eat nothing but Jell-o (the sugar-free low calories versions) and lose a ton of weight. Now I'm all up for losing weight with simple to follow plans that don't require complicated shopping lists, cooking instructions, scales (because let's face it, with the busy lives we lead who really has time for all of that?) but this seemed a little too good to be true. Eat something yummy and lose weight without effort? Ok what's the catch? Turns out, that it may not be as easy at it seems. Even with the numerous different flavors that Kraft has, I'm pretty sure that after 3 days of nothing but Jell-o I'd be ready to kick someones small dog through a field goal. But the thought of losing weight quickly is too appealing to pass up, so I'd thought that I would give it try with some modifications.

    Breakfast: Fruit (Jump start the metabolism and won't kill me in calories)
    Lunch: Small salad (only because I usually eat with a co-worker and I don't want any questions)
    Dinner: Jell-o (Only the sugar-free/ reduced calorie versions)
    Snacks: same as above

    I figure if I keep my fruit choices to lowest calorie ones, keep my salad under 200 calories including dressing, and eat jello to kill cravings, (of course still taking my multivitamin) I should still be able to lose a significant amount of weight.

    Fruit(calories): (keep in mind that these are just the fruits that I prefer that are low cal. There are more that have even lower calories.)

    Peach - Medium Fresh: 37
    Cantaloupe - 1cup: 53
    Cranberries - 1cup: 44
    Grapefruit - White 1/2: 39
    Kiwi - Medium: 46
    Lemon - Small: 17
    Lime - Small: 20
    Nectarine - Medium: 67
    Orange - Medium: 62
    Pomegranate: Medium 1/2: 52
    Strawberries - 1 cup: 45
    Tangerines - Medium: 37
    Watermelon - 1cup: 51

    Salad(calories value estimated):
    Iceberg lettuce (chopped or shredded) - 1 cup: 8
    Mushrooms (sliced) - 1/2 cup : 8
    Cucumber (sliced) - 1/2 cup: 8
    Carrots (chopped) - 1/4 cup: 13
    Grape tomatoes - 1/2 cup : 15
    Dressing (Fat free Balsamic Vinaigrette) - 2tbsp: 5
    Total: 49 (estimated)

    Jello (Gelatin per snack size serving - 1 snack cup):
    Cherry & Black Cherry - sugar-free & low calorie : 10  
    Lemon Lime & Orange - sugar-free & low calorie : 10
    Raspberry & Orange - sugar-free : 10
    Strawberry - sugar-free & low calorie: 10
    Strawberry kiwi & Tropical berry - sugar-free & low calorie : 10

    Jello (Pudding per snack size serving - 1 snack cup):
    Boston Cream Pie - sugar-free & reduced calorie: 60
    Chocolate - sugar-free & reduced calorie: 60
    Chocolate & Vanilla Swirl - sugar-free & reduced calorie: 60
    Chocolate & Vanilla Swirl - fat-free: 100 (be careful about which you pick up)
    Creme Brulee - sugar-free & reduced calorie: 70
    Dark Chocolate - sugar-free & reduced calorie: 60
    Double Chocolate - sugar-free & reduced calorie: 60
    Dulce de Leche - sugar-free & reduced calorie: 60
    Rice Pudding - sugar-free & reduced calorie: 70
    Vanilla - sugar-free & reduced calorie: 60

     Orange Slice Shots:

    Orange Wedge Jell-O Shots
    What you’ll need:
    2 oranges
    1 package orange flavored Jell-O (calories per box: 80)
    1/2 cup boiling water
    1/2 cup Vodka ( you can exclude this if you want the non-alcoholic version just follow jell-o box directions instead)
    1. Slice oranges in half. Using a spoon, scoop out all the flesh and divider pith. Put aside for later use.
    2. In a bowl, mix Jell-O and boiling water using a wire whisk. When all of the Jell-O has dissolved, add vodka and mix thoroughly.
    3. Pour liquid Jell-O into orange halves. Cover with plastic cling wrap and refrigerate for approximately 4 hours, preferably overnight.
    4. Once Jell-O is firm, slice each half into 3 wedges and serve.
    Makes 12 Jell-O shots.

    Thinspiration Quote of the Day

    Do what ever it takes, whenever it needs to be done, regardless of if you feel like doing it or not. Then it becomes habit.

    Wednesday, May 2, 2012

    Thinspiration Quote of the Day

    “Don’t dig your grave with your own knife and fork.” ~English Proverb

    Tuesday, May 1, 2012

    More quotes and thinsporation

    We never repent of having eaten too little.  ~Thomas Jefferson, 1825

    Gluttony is not a secret vice.  ~Orson Welles

    Another good reducing exercise consists in placing both hands against the table edge and pushing back.  ~Robert Quillen

    Your stomach shouldn't be a waist basket.  ~Author Unknown

    People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas.  ~Author Unknown

    The one way to get thin is to re-establish a purpose in life.  ~Cyril Connolly, The Unquiet Grave

    Gluttony is an emotional escape, a sign something is eating us.  ~Peter De Vries

    If hunger is not the problem, then eating is not the solution.  ~Author Unknown

    I'm allergic to food. 
    Every time I eat it breaks out into fat.  ~Jennifer Greene Duncan

    To lengthen your life, shorten your meals.  ~Proverb

    You can't lose weight by talking about it.  You have to keep your mouth shut.  ~Author Unknown

    Thinspiration for women of Color

    So far on my journey, I found a lot of inspirational blogs with beautiful pictures and inpiring quotations, but many of them are lacking in highlighting beautiful women of different colors and ethnicities who would serve as great sources of inspiriation. So to my rainbow family I present these lovely ladies!

    Motivating Quote of the Day

    Saying yes to the skinny jeans by saying no to the donuts.  ~Betsy CaƱas Garmon

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