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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Lemonade Detox - Diet Battle Gear Pt2

I'm sure many of you have come across the Lemonade Detox ( Lemonade diet, Master Cleanse) at some point on your journey. This is my experience with it as well as some tips on how to make it work for you.

The lemonade itself consists of:

Fresh Lemon Juice
Grade B Maple Syrup (although if you can't find grade b specifically organic is the next best)
Cayenne pepper
Purified Water (aka filtered water)

Starting in the morning you're supposed to do a flush with salt water. I however, have a very high gag reflex so after trying (and failing) to drink this horrible, vomit inducing devils brew concoction, I opted out of the morning flush part. While this was mostly due to not being able to tolerate swallowing salt water, I also rapidly figured out that morning flush + long commute - available restroom = DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN WHY DO YOU HATE ME ?! I'm sure I would have lost more weight if I had done this part of the plan, but the stomach agony was not worth it
(- __-')


The plan calls for mixing these lovely ingredients together to make your "lemonade" which you are supposed to subsist on for the day. It's recommended to use fresh lemons as lemon juice has lost some of it's valuable nutrients and may contain other added ingredients.

For me the cayenne pepper proved to be a little difficult to take especially if my "lemonade" got up to room temperature. So instead I found a cayenne pepper supplement ( basically cayenne pepper in a capsule) to take in place of mixing it in. These can be found at Whole Foods, or sometimes the vitamin section of the pharmacy. I took two in the morning usually after I had been up for a while and had some water in my system. Taking these on an empty stomach may cause stomach upset or indigestion if you suffer from heart burn from spicy foods. However this alternative for me proved to work best, and my mouth wasn't subjected to a constant burning sensation.

I also substituted half of my purified water for mint green tea. It added a level of flavor to the lemonade and I looked forward to drinking it every day. The mint green tea I used was organic and did not contain any flavor additives or sweeteners so there wasn't a risk of accidentally making the detox ineffective. I recommend substituting half of the water with tea just to keep from getting bored as long as there are no additives, flavorings, or sugar/ sugar substitutes.

What I used in place of the morning flush is something called Mag07. 

"Mag 07 is specially formulated magnesium based compound which has been ozonated and stabilized to release Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) when used as directed. Mag 07 has a stool softening effect, which eliminates the digestive track of unwanted debris. Mag 07 aids the digestive process by slowly releasing beneficial ROS which helps friendly bacteria utilize nutrients efficiently." ~ VitaminShoppe website.

It is non habit forming, which is awesome, and doesn't cause me to feel like there is a demon trying to claw it's way out of Hades and the only way out is through my stomach.  You just take up to 5 pills with a large glass of water on an empty stomach before bed. This product does contain magnesium, so if you have any sort of allergy to it or cardiac or liver issue you should consult your doctor first. Additional information can be found here.

I also discovered this magical powder at Whole Foods:

It's called Vibrant Cleanse and is supposed to be the Master Cleanse in an easy to use, just add water form. You can purchase the whole container pictured here, or individual to go packets. It is however a little on the expensive side. I have not had the chance to try this out yet because I had already purchased my supplies before I found it. While the idea of not having to cut and squeeze lemons is appealing, I think I would still prefer that method over the powder.

Overall the detox is not that bad. The most difficult part for me was getting past first initial couple of days. It can be difficult to stick with as the need to chew something becomes very strong. (Seriously I felt like a puppy and wanted to gnaw on EVERYTHING). In order to counteract that I chewed on straws or those little coffee stirrers. Since straws are something most people chew, I didn't look too weird, but I think people assumed I was trying to quit smoking lol. Be sure to drink PLENTY of water on this detox. You need to stay hydrated in order to help your body get rid of the toxins built up in your system. If you don't feel like you have the bladder of a five year old or elderly person, you're probably not drinking enough water. : )

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Diet Battle Gear Pt1

So, "Its been a long time (time), we shouldn't have left you (left you). Without a dope beat to step to (step to, step to)" etc.  ^;^

The daily fight still continues. I've lost about 20lbs  since the begining of the year. I know, not very good. I've learned a lot about myself in the process though. I've also managed to find some nifty things to help keep me on track.

First up:

These wonderful little tablets "Transform foods you never thought could be so sweet and delicious. Lemons taste like lemonade. Hot sauce taste like hot doughnut glaze. Miracle berries makes healthy eating fun and delicious."

And I have to say most of this is true. While the results will vary from person to person, especially when it comes to the duration of their effect. I have tried them and for me the effect lasts anywhere from 20 min. to an hour. Lemons are my favorite to eat with these as they taste to me more like concentrated lemonade with a whole pound of sugar on top. Very sweet and a bit overwhelming, but when combined with green tea which we know is great for weight loss, it adds cleansing and reduces hunger cravings and with the mberry, the tea will taste sweet without having to add any sugar! I do advise drinking the green tea lemon combination cold as for some reason (at least for me) the heat causes the mberry's effect to dissipate quickly.

Most people use these to host "flavor tripping parties", but I think they are a great addition to the fight against sugar cravings. They can be purchased through their website

* Please note I am not paid for endorsing any of these products I just really like them and my opinions are my own.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Skinny Girl Diet

Has anyone heard of the Skinny Girl Diet? It looks pretty straight forward. Just consume the amount of calories prescribed per day and weekends are marked red. This might be easier to pull off since you technically eating you could just wait to eat until you are forced to or when (insert occasion here) calls for it. I think it's simple enough that no one would think you are doing anything wrong.

I'm on day one today and so far so good, but then again my family could give a crap. I also have the added advantage of not being skinny yet so for now my weight loss is a good thing in their eyes. Hopefully by the time I get there I'll have found a better way to conceal it.

It says it should be started on a Monday but I figured the earlier the better. I'm allowing myself 650cals for the day since that seems to be the weekend average.

Well hello there...

Been away a while... ok so I've been away for a looooong while (>_<) and now I'm back. Things haven't been going as well as I'd hoped but now life has thrown yet another curve ball at me so finding time to post is a piece of cake now. So without further ado let get thing ball rolling again. SN: If you know of any good groups for those just starting out please feel free to recommend. I would like to put together a list so people wouldn't have to go far and run the risk of ending up on the weird part of the internet (shudders)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Thinspiration (Funny Edition)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Thinspiration Quote of the Day

  • “Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven’t half the strength you think they have.” ~Norman Vincent Peale
  • Monday, May 14, 2012

    Thinspiration in Pictures (Fashion edition)

    For my fashion savvy diva's

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